Best Price for
Scrap Cables & Non- Ferrous Metals

Unlock unbeatable deals with our unparalleled pricing

Why choose us?

We operate under the regulations of

Certified & Accredited

Our weighing scales are purchased from accredited sellers and certified annually to ensure compliancy with the Weights and Measures Act

Accuracy Label

Our scale indicators are sealed to serve as evidence that the measuring instrument has passed inspection and is approved for use in trade

Large LED Scale Display

The scale indicator features a large LED display to provide clients with large and clear readings of the weight

Your confidence in our precision is our priority.

Hear it from others

Minimal hassle,
Maximum results

Having earned the highest Google ratings in Singapore, we are confident in our ability to provide exceptional service. Trust us to meet and exceed your expectations with our commitment to excellence.



Who Is Sin Hong Poh Metal Trading?

Established since 1998, Sin Hong Poh Metal Trading is Singapore’s first recycling company who is able to quote your scrap cables by meters.  

With three decades of experience recycling copper cables & non ferrous metals, we are able to leverage on our expertise to provide you with a higher level of service that will leave you satisfied.

Why should I sell scrap cables by meter?

By selling cables based on their length, you benefit from the advantage of knowing the precise value of what you’re selling. This approach eliminates any hidden fees or surprises often encountered with traditional weighing scale methods. With us, you can confidently calculate the scrap value of your cables instantly, ensuring transparency and accuracy in every transaction.

The process of selling scrap materials

Why do you required Identification Details?

Regulations under the Secondhand Goods Dealership (SHGD) Act Cap 288A – we have to keep proper records of the name, identification number, residential address or business address and nationality of the people that we purchased from. 

You may verify here 

Are you licensed?

Yes, we are licensed by the following government agency. 

  1. Singapore Police Force – Secondhand Goods Dealership
  2. National Environment Agency – General Waste Disposal Facilities
  3. National Environment Agency – Toxic Industrial Waste (PVC) 
How long is your quote valid for?

As metal prices fluctuate daily, particularly copper, our quotes are typically valid for the day unless stated otherwise. This ensures that you receive the most accurate pricing reflecting current market conditions. Rest assured, we strive to provide transparency and fairness in all our dealings

What is the min. quantity

For walk in customers, we usually recommend to bring at least 10kg in order to make the trip worthwhile. 

I am a business owner and I have a lot to sell. Do I get better rates?

Definitely! The more you sell, the better the rate you will receive! 

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